Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Tales of a 21 Year-Old Pokémon Virgin: Day Two (Grunt Work)

As school and other things start to arrive with the start of spring semester, my posting may get more lax than usual. However, here’s to Day Two of my Pokémon adventure!

Day Two was the day in which I got the heck out of Mt. Moon. I had started there the previous day, but after about forty-five minutes and six thousands Zubats, I lost patience with it and decided to hold off from getting through that section of the map. It took me, in total, about an hour to figure out how to navigate my way out of the darn place. I had to get help from an image via Bulbapedia. When I picked up from where I left off (by the way, I think it's adorable and quite helpful that the game does a little recap for you before you start playing again), two or three of my Pokémon were passed out, so the first thing I had to do was run my little self all the way back through the mountain and to the Pokémon Center, since I had only bought one escape rope and had already used it. At this point I was avoiding all fights with Zubats and Geodudes because I was running out of Pokémon to throw at them, but once I healed everyone back up I started fighting a little more and leveling up each of my children.

What I came to discover, after using Bulbapedia to find the exit, is that I had actually been right at the exit the previous night. I fought the trainer that was on some ledge-type thing, but because I'm still getting used to the simplicity of the game and the bizarre perspectives, I didn't realize that the rocks that were blocking the way out were actually the fossils that the scientist/trainer/whatever he was mentioned I couldn't take and then fought me for. I thought that I had hit a dead end, so I went up to the "rocks" and started clicking buttons, thinking maybe something would happen (because that's how I solve all of my video game dilemmas). Lo and behold--I picked a fossil up, the scientist/trainer guy grabbed the other, and I was well on my way out of the mountain.

This is so much simpler than it feels.
...and it only cost me two or three trips to the Pokémon Center and several moments of red-hot frustration where I wanted to take a flamethrower and set fire to the whole place while screaming/laughing maniacally.

I got out of the cave and headed toward some civilization. I ran into two trainers who taught two of my Pokémon Mega Kick and Mega Punch. I gave Damian (my Charmeleon) the Mega Punch and Wally (my Pikachu) the Mega Kick. It was after this that my friend (who will henceforth be referred to as "Abel") advised me to spend a long time sifting through a patch of grass near Cerulean City fighting wild Pokémon so that I could get each of my children up to Lv. 15 before I went to face my rival and Misty, who is the head of the second gym. He called this "grinding" and advised me to put on Netflix or something to help pass the time. I'm not going to lie--this was tedious. And boring. I'm still trying to figure out the Species and Types thing, but it's hard to remember what beats what and considering that, according to Bulbapedia, there are 18 "types" and 324 ways to assign types to Pokémon, I'm not surprised at my befuddlement.

While I did this, I ran into a Sandshrew and decided, after I wiped one of them out, that I wanted to try and catch one--and I did, after one escaped the first time. So now I have a new member in my little oddball family: Terra, the Relaxed Sandshrew (because she's a Ground Type, get it? Hahaha...Abel suggested the name). According to Abel, she has + Defense but - Speed, which kind of stinks because I prefer going first in a fight. However, if she's got good defense, she'll be a sturdy presence. But the best part? She can't be affected by poison or electric attacks--thank god. I can't stand it when one of my children is poisoned, and not just because it makes my heart hurt. It's annoying to have to keep buying Potions to heal them.

Yes, I am a terribly selfish trainer.

After I leveled everyone (except Terra) up to 15, I went to face my rival, Kene. I'm still wondering what the point is in having him pop up every now and then in this game, other than to give you an excuse to fight and as a means of relaying information and items. Also, he's kind of a complete prick for no real reason.

I started the battle a bit on accident. I knew that he was near Nugget Bridge, but I didn't mean to fight him at that moment. I wanted to switch the order of my Pokémon out so that Wally was first and Terra was...not fighting, since at that point she was only Lv. 11 or 12. Unfortunately, since the game doesn't let you back out of a fight with trainers, I was stuck with Terra as my primary. I decided to give her a shot and see what would happen. She...was KO'd pretty fast, even with Rock Tomb (which I gave her via one of the TM's I found since her range of fighting moves went from Terrible to Atrocious). Abel joked that Wally needed to avenge Terra, but he was knocked out pretty fast as well, though not before paralyzing the Pidgeotto. I pulled out Damian after that and blew the Pidgeotto to smithereens. Then Lola (my Butterfree) got to Poison and then Confuse the Squirtle to death, but she barely made it out with one HP point left.

After I won, Kene gave me the Fame Checker (not that I know what I'm supposed to do with it) and then I was stupid and ran to the bridge where I fought the first trainer with my remaining, conscious Pokémon without having a chance to heal the others. I'm waiting for the day that I stop fighting bug Pokémon and Bug Catcher Trainers because it's starting to get boring.

I decided after that to shut the game off. My next goal is going to be battling Misty, and I suppose we'll see how that turns out. At the end of the day, my family looks like this:

Look at those cute little icons! I didn't mention this in previous posts, but those are some adorable little images right there. The fact that they bounce up and down on this screen is extra precious, and then when they go nuts when you click on them almost had me in tears from giddy laughter. It's just...very cute game design.

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